Tuesday 14 August 2007

Sharepoint Administration Tips 1 - Pitfalls in Moving Sharepoint DB

At some point we have to move database for sharepoint configuration either because the DB file / log is on system drive or the fast expanding of your sharpeoint DB log. If DB is full, you can still view the website hosted by sharepoint, but a lot of functions will stop working.

First thing first, do a full backup or differential backup if you have a full backup before. After that, to move the database, please read the relevant links in here;To move the database to another server, read here.

Note below:
After you have done the moving, you might run into problems like search settings changed , timer services stopped working correctly. For Search settings, we need to make sure the indexer is assigned to the SSP since moving the sharepoint will remove this. If you have enabled incoming email services for your sharepoint lists. It will stop working because the relationship between web app and sharepoint timer called Windows Sharepoint Incoming Email Timer is broken. To restore this, Go to Operation->Incoming Email Config->Select No on "
Enable sites on this server to receive e-mail? "->click ok and then come back to click "yes". After this, make sure to disable and re-enable the Application Server Administration Service Timer Job " and " Application Server Timer Job "this should fix the problem on incoming email.