Wednesday, 21 March 2007

interchangable language skin for web pages with .net 2 profiling structure

During the exploring the method to implement multilanguage skin web site, I found out that Java provides the solution which you need to have the configuration file which contains separated language translation and string flags to indicate what control this is for, which is pretty much similar to the one I am going to introduce, however , the advantages of using .net 2 profiling structure is the easy to use , less pain when composing the language config file and well - supported event handling, i.e. UI changes according to user selection of what language the user wants to read on screen by simply choosing a radio button or whatever you like. Setting up profile structure will make developer benefit so much more than just language changing, role,membership management which enables your to develop scalable customized CMS system is really handy when designing middle,large scale system. I will keep this coming when I got more time.

First things first, we need to set up the profile environment, which should be fast and pain-free.

if you are using SQL Server Express that comes with the Visual Studio 2005 , you don't have to do anything really to enable the profile management because it's by default supported locally on your aspnetdb.mdf file. The downside is the headache(lots of them) when you tries to deploy your website on a remote web/DB server. It will keep saying Error 26 connect to your SQL Server via remote, remote connection is not enabled , blah, blah blah... and you have to gone through the trivial settings to make it work. Since we have standard SQL Server already, this is omitted at the moment. Let me know if you want to do it in express...
Go to your web.config file in your webroot, add in following section

this will add in the profile provider which you can link to your SQL Server connection string , which is the server your want to use to for your web app.

2. You might already know how to add SQL Server connection string section into your web.config, but here it goes in case you don't. Type aspnet_regsql in your Visual command console, you will get SQL Server Setup Wizard dialog, click next, you should select Configure Sql server for application services and radio button and then next again to select sql server DB and login credentials, then next to confirm your settings, in my case , the login details is like following image. You should fill in the information matching your DB settings

After this you should be able to see your database (SeeYouDB in my case)is populated by the tables where .Net will persist the Profile class data. These will be the back-end to implement your role, membership mechanism later as well, which will be discussed in my later articles.

Ok, now we have DB support, next thing we should enable is to finish up with the DB connection using connectionString element added by above procedures. This can be done simply by putting following code in your section outside your system.web section.

This will update the old LocalSqlServer setting which uses SQL Server Express with your customized DB server for provider and at the same time add in connection for web root of your project. Please note, you can add in as many connection string as your wish and use them by accessing connectionStrings collection by name.

After this, make sure you have such settings in your property in your IIS manager.

Now your .net profile environment is setup . And if you have done the web config settings as above, you should have a property name called LanguagePreference,this will be accessed via Profile class , which is to be demontrated later. The problem we have now is that if you are coding in webroot, everything will be fine and dandy, but if you code in class library or in classes of .Net 2 folder e.g. App_code, Profile class is not accessible, what we can do is to convert the Profile object in HttpContext as follows:

HttpContext context = System.Web.HttpContext.Current;

ProfileCommon profile = (ProfileCommon)context.Profile;

There you will have access to all properties in profile class again.

Now we go back to what this article is really up for :) language magic. As we can see the default value of LanguagePreference is "no" which is the code for Norwegian. What we will do is to read/change this at runtime according to the user selectindex change event on a radiobox list. To achieve this we need to override the

InitializeCulture() method from System.web.UI.Page class, and customize with our own code

string LanguagePref = profile.LanguagePreference;

if ((LanguagePref != null) && (LanguagePref != "Auto"))


this.UICulture = LanguagePref;

Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture =
CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(LanguagePref); //setting up region


So when the user selection on radio box changes, you can update the profile property LanguagePreference value accordingly.

Now we need to think about where to override this InitializeCulture() method. Obviously, it will be awkward to do this in every single page, you know why... Some may think it should be in Master page, which is better ,only thing is that Master page doesn't derive from class Page -_-! which means you can't override! .Net provides a special folder called App_Code where you can put in class which can be accessed site-wide. And it's auto-compiled by .net. So we can write a new class derives from Page class and override InitializeCulture in there, and make every partial class of page code behind derive from that class. At this point, we are able to listen to event triggered by users' selection and now we only need to have according language translation file to make things roll! this is the breezy bit.

Add in a .net 2 special folder called App_GlobalResource under webroot, then just add new item-> resource file, give it a name , mine is called PenSurveyCulture.resx, if you right click and then view code, you will see it's nothing but a xml file. But Visual Studio just liberate you from boring typing job by handcode or copy&paste all the attributes and elements with a GUI like this...

I am pretty sure you will love this.It is plainly a string table and in your code behind for all these web page elements, you can say

lblLoginPrompt.Text = Resources.PensurveyCulture.LoginPrompt;

so whatever the user chooses as the language preference, you can have it shown on your page!

At this point, we have implemented user-friendly , interchangable language skin for your .Net 2 based websites.

Also, you might put the content that needs to support multi-language into your updatePanel of your AJAX and trigger it to a button or radio button, you will make it even cooler without postback!

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